Other books and CDs

Non English publications

Several books on Acem Meditation have been published in Norwegian. Have a look at our Norwegian site for more information.


Practical Guide to Acem Retreats
Are Holen &Torbjørn Hobbel. Acem Publishing, Oslo 2008

Inner Strength: The Free Mental Attitude in Acem Meditation.
Are Holen. 2nd edition. Acem Publishing, Oslo 2007.

Inner Strength: The Free Mental Attitude in Acem Meditation.
Audio CD. Are Holen. Acem Publishing, Oslo 2007.

Acem Meditation: An Introductory Companion.
Are Holen & Halvor Eifring. Acem Publishing, Oslo 2007.


Acem Meditation: Entspannung, Stille, Innere Kraft (Acem Meditation: Relaxation, silence, inner strength).
Are Holen & Ole Nygaard (eds.). Dyade forlag, Oslo 2007.

Für Körper und Geist: Vegetarische Grundrezepte (For Body and Mind: Basic Vegetarian Recipies)
Sigrun Hobbel (ed.). Dyade Vorlag 2010


Stillhetens psykologi (Psychology of silence).
Are Holen (ed.). Scanbook, Uppsala 1989.

Våga växa (The courage to growth).
Are Holen (ed.). Dyade forlag, Uppsala 2003.

Välgörande vegetariskt (Vegetarian recipies for well-being).
Eva Danielsson (ed.). Dyade forlag, Oslo 2002.

Ledighet i meditation (The free mental attitude in meditation).
Audio CD. Are Holen. Acem Publishing, Stockholm 2005.

Avspänning - kroppsmeditation (Relaxation ? body meditation).
Audio CD. Øyvind Ellingsen. Acem Publishing, Stockholm 2005.


Afspænding - kropsmeditation (Relaxation ? body meditation).
Audio CD. Øyvind Ellingsen. Acem Publishing, København 2003.

Stilhedens psykologi (Psychology of silence).
Are Holen (ed.). Forlaget Rhodos, København 1979.


Psychologie van de stilte (Psychology of silence).
Are Holen (ed.). Uitgeverij Passage, Groningen 1992.


Stillhetens psykologi (The Psychology of Silence).
Are Holen (ed.). 6th edition. Dyade forlag, Oslo 1989.

Bedre hverdag (Better everyday life).
Are Holen (ed.). Dyade forlag, Oslo 1984.

Meditasjon på norsk (Norwegian Meditation).
Are Holen (ed.). 2nd edition. Dyade forlag, Oslo, 1989.

Stress, arbeid, kjærlighet (Stress-work-love).
Are Holen (ed.). Dyade forlag, Oslo 1997.

God langmeditasjon (Good long meditations).
Are Holen & Torbjørn Hobbel. Dyade forlag, Oslo 2008.

Oppmerksomhet og erkjennelse i meditasjon (Awareness and insight in meditation). Audio CD.
Are Holen. Acem Publishing, Oslo 2004.

Ledighet i meditasjon (The free mental attitude in meditation).
Audio CD. Are Holen. Acem Publishing, Oslo 2005.

Konsentrasjon i meditasjon (Concentration in meditation).
Audio CD. Are Holen. Acem Publishing, Oslo 2001.

Avspenning: Kroppsmeditasjon (Relaxation: body meditation).
Audio CD. Øyvind Ellingsen. Acem Publishing, Oslo 2005.

Godt grønt (Green and good).
Carl Henrik Grøndahl et al (eds.). Dyade forlag, Oslo 1999.

For kropp og sinn (For body and mind).
Sigrun Hobbel (ed.). Dyade forlag, Oslo 2000.

Kakeboken (Cakes without eggs).
Sigrun Hobbel (ed.). Dyade forlag, Oslo 2000.

Verdt å vite om vegetarmat (Vegetarian Food)
Vibeke Videm. Dyade forlag, Oslo 2010

Yogaboken: Bevegelse og pust (The Yoga Book: Movement and Breath)
Are Holen & Torbjørn Hobbel. Dyade forlag, Oslo 2009


???? (Psychology of silence).
Are Holen. Zhang laoshi chuban shiye. Taipei 1996.

???? (Psychology of silence).
Are Holen. Wenhua yishu chubanshe. Beijing 1998.

Acem also publishes the quarterly cultural magazine Dyade in Norwegian and a number of newsletters and magazines for Acem meditators in different countries (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, India, Taiwan).
